Sunday, January 27, 2008

Something's Not Right (And I don't Know Why)

When all I wish to see is black and white
and all i wana do is to leave myself behind
I got this sick feeling
that something's not right
yeh, something's not right

I dunno what I'm trying to hide
when I can't fathom what's deep inside
and the more I dig, the more I realise
hey something's not right
yeh, something's not right

And when the day seems so long
just to get through
that you feel wasted, watching your shadow grow
It's then you realise
that you've still got so much to offer

Pity that it's always the feelings
that hold you back
so that you can protect yourself, and avoid the wreck
And all that you pray for
is something to differ

It's then you realise
that loneliness is not defined
by how many people you've got on your side
but it's by the love that you cannot give
and the gratitude that you can't receive

I dunno what's wrong with me tonight
but all I want is for someone to hold me tight
and whisper in my ear, and tell me
that something's not right
yeh, something's not right


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