Tuesday, January 22, 2008

A Whole Bunch of Contradictions

It's crazy to think that I am here trying to start a blog again - I hate it in a way, because blogging makes me think alot, and the worst thing is that I don't tend to hold back when I am writing about what I think. Being an innate pessimist doesn't help either, I never liked reading my old blogs for that exact reason. Yet there comes a time when I don't have the luxury of having a person next to me to hear me out and that writing is probably my next-best therapy. (Nico I know you said the same thing on yours, and I can't agree more) It's been two years now since I've put my own thoughts down in writing. People suppose to change in a month, I don't know how much I've grown in that time.

But it has taken me two year to realise that there are no right angles in life. What you thought might be a right turn could in fact meanders itself into the left, and in a very cruel way, without you noticing it.

And with each turn I make in life, I hope I can capture them here in good old B&W.

And just like what everybody do before they taste their wine for the first time, this is just my way of saying "Cheers," to you too in life.

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